About Me

We only get one chance to lead a happy life, and my goal is to make sure I do just that. I spent my teenage years and early twenties suffering from severe depression, and always felt like new hardships were constantly popping up in my life. Then I moved to Asheville in 2009, and things got much better. And then, once again, more unexpected difficulties and the struggle against my self-deprecating mind started anew. Now 27, I’ve learned how to deal in a more constructive way, and I’m much more focused on my own happiness, learning to love myself despite my differences, and teaching myself how to lead a healthier, happier, more authentic life.

I started this blog for a few reasons. First, I love to write. I’ve had blogs before, and was getting the itch again. Second, I’ve found that blogging helps to keep me motivated. I look forward to accomplishing things, and sharing my experience with others. And third, there aren’t a lot of support for adults with speech impediments, and since that’s a huge component of my life and the one thing that has been the hardest to learn to love about myself, I thought that having a platform for discussions on that topic would be helpful both to myself and for other people.

Nourished in Asheville will cover a variety of topics related to how I’ve chosen to make my life feel more meaningful and my journey towards leaving depression behind and discovering how to be happy. This includes healthy eating and fitness, meditation, coping with loss, learning how to deal with other people, my experience as an adult with a speech impediment,

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